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- 플레이어 당 1달러로 Unreal Engine 기반게임을 Amazon GameLift로 서비스 하는 비법!
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- [번역] Visibility Buffer Rendering with Material Graphs by J.Hable
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- LB PE, 2000억 규모 블라인드펀드 '1차 클로징' [넘버스]
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- IF SUNSET launches winter discounts: Sales on both Stove and Steam.
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- Epic Games Offers Free Vampire Survivors
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- 15 percent of Steam users played 2024's game releases
- Reality check for VR: Omdia forecasts decline as Apple’s entry fails to galvanize market
- Hothead Games has shut down after almost 20 years
- ZeniMax will pivot Elder Scrolls Online to seasonal content in 2025
- Tencent removes directors from Epic Games after Justice Dept. inquiry
- Sony to become largest shareholder in FromSoftware parent company Kadokawa
- Activision quietly recast Black Ops 6 Zombies actors during SAG-AFTRA strike
- Crush 40 singer sues Sega over Sonic Adventure 2's 'Live and Learn' theme song
- 11 Bit Studios cuts staff after canceling console-focused 'Project 8' game
- Get our first-ever guide about animation in Unity
- Games Made with Unity: May 2024 in review
- Meet the 2024 Unity for Humanity Grant winners
- Charting the Upswing: The Mobile Ad Ecosystem Starts Gaining Momentum
- Odin Inspector and Validator are now free with the Unity Student Plan
- How Fika Productions set sail with their peer-to-peer multiplayer hit Ship of Fools
- GDC 2024: Trends, the Unity 6 roadmap, multiplayer, AI, and more
- 10 tips for succeeding at GDC
- Made with Unity: January/February 2024 highlights
- Building the first NFL-licensed VR football franchise with Unity
- Here's how the strategy layer works in Menace, the turn-based squad combat RPG from the Battle Brothers devs
- Should you bother with... mini PCs?
- Rally Point: Oh phew, Songs of Silence is only pretending to be a card game
- Microsoft Flight Simulator and the quest to replace Earth
- Two Epic Games directors step down after US Department of Justice investigate games companies under antitrust laws
- The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 20th
- Here are 5 snowy games you can get for cheap in the Winter Steam sale
- After 7 years of alien war, Elite Dangerous pilots have finally defeated the Thargoids
- Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell
- Path Of Exile 2 early access review: an expressive, characterful ARPG with plenty to chew on
- 2024 Recap: The Most Important 3D Software Releases Of 2024
- Get These Honkai: Star Rail-Inspired Hit & Impact Unity-Made VFX
- Rigging & Animating From Scratch With Unreal Engine 5's Modular Control Rig
- Learn to Make Realistic Double Karambit with Plasticity
- Breakdown: How to Model & Texture a Cozy Magician's House
- This Cyberpunk Hack & Slash Game Receives Amazing Updates
- Check Out Arcane's Hextech Gemstones Recreated In Blender
- A Closer Look at Mortal Kombat 1's Characters
- Pixar Released RenderMan 26.3
- This Captivatingly Grotesque Animation Reminds You That Smoking Kills
- Why developers needn't fear CSS – with the King of CSS himself Kevin Powell [Podcast #154]
- How to Run Open Source LLMs on Your Own Computer Using Ollama
- The C# Class Handbook – Types of Classes with Code Examples
- How to Build a Honeypot in Python: A Practical Guide to Security Deception
- AWS Solutions Architect Professional (SAP-C02) Certification Course
- Learn Game Development with JavaScript and Kaplay
- Build Smarter Spring Boot Applications with Spring AI
- How to Make LLMs Better at Math Using AI Agents, MathJS, and BaseAI Tool Calls
- What to Do If You Don't Get into Outreachy: Exploring Other Paths to Open Source
- How to Write User Stories for Beginners: Agile in Practice
- Even without Hollow Knight: Silksong, these 10 games prove that 2024 might just be the best Metroidvania year ever
- Free games to grab over the holidays
- Mariah Carey was frozen in an ice block in Fortnite and then she thawed out and sang 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' and everyone went back to shooting each other
- After nearly 8 long years, a new Team Fortress 2 comic is finally here and the TF community is rejoicing
- CD Projekt had to nerf Ciri for The Witcher 4 after she fully unlocked her spacetime teleportation powers in the previous game: 'Something totally happened in-between'
- Larian is looking for Baldur's Gate 3 fans who 'like trying to break things' to help it do some crossplay testing
- You should definitely grab today's free Epic Store giveaway: this 'dicebuilder' might quietly be the best freebie of the season
- IKEA Matchspel gaming chair review
- YouTubers are reportedly losing their channels due to crypto scammers and one got his back, only to have it terminated once again for a 'trademark' claim
- Why Rise of Nations is one of the hidden gems of PC Game Pass
- Sequence Teams Up With SKALE Labs To Accelerate Web3 Gaming And Announce Zoppel Launch
- Viction Announces Spring Edition Of ‘Game Awards’ With Applications Open Until January 10
- The Sandbox Launches ‘Voxel Games’ Creator Partnership Program For Developers And Studios
- Blockchain Integration adds Massive Value to AAA Gaming Experiences, claims Shrapnel’s Mark Yeend
- Cornucopias Expands to Base Ethereum L2 to Enhance Web3 Gaming Experience
- Sky Mavis Teams Up With GMonsters to Launch ‘Fight League’ Web3 Games on Ronin
- Mon Studios Raises $1.35M in Funding to Boost MMORPG Spellborne’s Development
- Game-Changer: Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Gaming Landscape
- Merit Circle DAO Collaborates with Immutable for Web3 Gaming Experiences on Beam
- MetaBlox is Leveraging Roblox to Transform GameFi with $MBX Token
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3: The Kotaku Review
- Team Fortress 2's Spy Finally Took His Mask Off After 17 Years
- Jesse Eisenberg Thinks People Hated Batman v Superman So Much It Hurt His Career
- These Are The Two Best Strategists In Marvel Rivals
- 10 Awesome Movie-To-Game Adaptations To Play After Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
- Check Out Our Favorite Cosplay From CCXP 2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3’s Post-Credits Scenes, Explained
- 4 Tips For Way Better PS Portal Battery Life
- Ubisoft's New Game Has Rayman! And Blood Dragon! And NFTs!
- 16 Great Games That Flew Under The Radar In 2024
- Star Wars: Outlaws is completely unoriginal, but that's kind-of the best part
- Fancy testing out Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 8 and its long-awaited crossplay mechanics? Larian's now letting folks sign up to do just that
- Fallout season two likely won't see Fallout 76 take its TV crossovers to a whole new level, as its devs don't want to "give fan service for just the sake of doing it"
- Rayman stars in a weird NFT game vaguely inspired by the coolest Far Cry DLC that Ubisoft's just quietly plopped out, because of course he does
- Diablo 4 is free to play until the new year on everything, and you can even try out the new Spiritborn class
- Either PlayStation or Xbox will "struggle mightily" to do well with their next gen console, while Nintendo'll be "the clear winner”, predicts research firm
- Helldivers 2's Illuminate are coming for your new wheels, and players are convinced it's a push towards Meridia's definitely not suspiciously revamped black hole
- Monster Hunter Wilds' performance has been improved in the final game, and we may even get a second beta
- It's been a grim year, hasn't it? 2024’s best games are all about disgust, decay, and existential dread
- Helldivers 2 dev Arrowhead comes up with a suitably festive solution to all that Killzone collab price backlash