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- Ware ye this Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 crash bug that cost me hours of progress
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s technical touch-ups include DLSS, "Experimental" visuals and far fewer bugs
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- Creator of Dicey Dungeons, VVVVVV and Super Hexagon launches a big collection of his shorter games
- Treyarch co-founder pleads guilty to grounding firefighting plane with drone during LA wildfires
- Forgotton Anne follow-up Forgotlings is a gorgeous jaunt into a mountain full of adorable weirdos - and it has a demo
- Whispers Of The Eyeless, the strategy RPG from the modder behind Total War: Warhammer's most legendary overhaul, is out now in early access
- You, too, can cosplay poverty with this €159 Disco Elysium carrier bag
- Roots Devour's demo harbours the seeds of a brilliant horror card RPG
- Battlefield 6's crumbling warzones are teased in a promo vid calling for playtesters
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- Be A Drunken Alpaca Who Can Vomit Rainbows In This Hilarious 2D Adventure Game
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- Learn the Basics of API Security
- The Monster Hunter Wilds benchmark is here, and my poor RTX 3070 is now crying sub-60 fps tears
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- Will Wright says the original Sims AI was actually too good: 'Almost anything the player did was worse than the Sims running on autopilot'
- It sure sounds like Electronic Arts thinks cutting Dragon Age: The Veilguard's live service components was a mistake
- Monster Hunter Wilds will have a photo mode and new 'hunter profiles' to help you show off your character
- Next Battlefield game set to release sooner than I expected, before April 2026: 'We're looking for this to be the biggest Battlefield we've ever made'
- Capcom can't stop spilling the beans on new Monster Hunter Wilds monsters
- Cozy undead gardening game Greenheart Necromancer is apparently 'a mixture of 'witchcore' and 'whimsigoth' with a healthy dose of 'grandma chic''
- Capcom announces a remaster of samurai classic Onimusha 2, coming to Steam this year
- That was fast: a modder already added an 'unlimited save game' feature to Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
- Sequence Teams Up With SKALE Labs To Accelerate Web3 Gaming And Announce Zoppel Launch
- Viction Announces Spring Edition Of ‘Game Awards’ With Applications Open Until January 10
- The Sandbox Launches ‘Voxel Games’ Creator Partnership Program For Developers And Studios
- Blockchain Integration adds Massive Value to AAA Gaming Experiences, claims Shrapnel’s Mark Yeend
- Cornucopias Expands to Base Ethereum L2 to Enhance Web3 Gaming Experience
- Sky Mavis Teams Up With GMonsters to Launch ‘Fight League’ Web3 Games on Ronin
- Mon Studios Raises $1.35M in Funding to Boost MMORPG Spellborne’s Development
- Game-Changer: Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Gaming Landscape
- Merit Circle DAO Collaborates with Immutable for Web3 Gaming Experiences on Beam
- MetaBlox is Leveraging Roblox to Transform GameFi with $MBX Token
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- Netflix Gaming Is As Confusing As Ever
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- How To Assemble Wins As Captain America In Marvel Rivals
- The next Battlefield could be released later this year, but EA said it may arrive in the first quarter of 2026 instead
- Want to see children piloting giant mechs, but in live-action? Great news, as Gundam is getting the Hollywood treatment (maybe Hollywood will make them adults)
- Find Pokemon TCG Pocket trading frustrating? Well, its devs are gifting everyone 1,000 trade tokens while they keep on working on those promised improvements
- Dune Awakening may be coming out on PC first, but it's "designed with a controller in mind"
- On The Sims' 25th birthday, let's celebrate the weird and wacky original that breathed life into a genre
- As One Piece season 2 finally wraps up production, Netflix offers a first look that probably won't excite you, but you'll at least get to see your favourite live-action pirate crew again
- Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is incredibly hard, and that’s the point, but these 7 essential tips should make it just a little bit easier for you
- Sony made the PSN account requirement optional with some games, so why are those games still not on sale everywhere?
- Watch today's Capcom Spotlight livestream here
- Desperate to know when the next Oshi no Ko season is dropping? The supernatural mystery anime has a season 3 release window, but you'll be waiting a while for it