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- Developers still aren't warming up to generative AI
- Virtuos acquires three studios to 'significantly augment' development support capabilities
- Insomniac Games CEO and founder Ted Price to retire in March
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- Balatro sells 5 million copies after end-of-year spike
- Owlcat's Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader sells 1 million copies
- Corinne Busche, Dragon Age: The Veilguard director, leaves BioWare and EA after 18-year stint
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- Odin Inspector and Validator are now free with the Unity Student Plan
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- 10 tips for succeeding at GDC
- Made with Unity: January/February 2024 highlights
- Building the first NFL-licensed VR football franchise with Unity
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- Lili is a retelling of Macbeth set in a "neo-noir" Iran that re-casts the three witches as hackers
- Nvidia are pretty sure the RTX 50 series GPUs won’t melt like the RTX 4090 did
- Mashina is a chill stop-motion adventure with friendly robots from the Judero Team
- Here's a free 80s-style ninja heist game where you race in splitscreen to loot a daimyo's castle
- What kind of diseased mind makes a city builder with actual building physics
- Celeste devs cancel lush platformer Earthblade to focus on smaller-scale projects
- My Summer Car review: A sordid sim of piss and pistons that won't hold your disgusting little hand
- This impressive Alienware Aurora R16 RTX 4090 Gaming PC just dropped below $3,000
- Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth review: imperfect, uneven, unfocused, unmissable
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- Creating Pong-Inspired Arcade With Unreal Fellowship: Games
- Artist Presents New Type of Infected Inspired by The Last of Us
- This Stylized Action Adventure Lets You Customize Your Own Kung Fu Combos
- Blender 4.2.6 & 3.6.20 LTS Released
- Take a Look at This Teleportation Animation Made with Blender
- Beautiful Detailed Tram Created Using Vertex Painting
- This Procedural Generator Can Create 3D Skeletons & Muscles
- This 3D-Looking Halo Is Actually Made With Live2D
- Check Out Shading Modes Available In Unity's Poiyomi Shaders
- Create a WordPress Website
- How to Monitor Your Kubernetes Clusters with Prometheus and Grafana on AWS
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- Understanding Deep Learning Research Tutorial - Theory, Code, and Math
- Mai in Street Fighter 6 isn't just good—she has me howling for Capcom vs. SNK 3
- Guilty Gear: Strive's anime gets a full trailer and a release window for April, and I'm just hyped to see my girl Elphelt having a good time
- Sony gets people scratching their heads after region-locking purchases of Horizon Forbidden West, 10 entire months after its initial release
- Glorious Series 2 Pro wireless mouse review
- AMD claims it's 'taking a little extra time' to get 'maximum performance' out of the RX 9070 and RX 9070 XT before the GPUs launch in March
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 FE review
- Eagle-eyed digital snipers have a chance to win 1 of 5 Steam codes for Sniper Elite: Resistance
- Overclockers UK say they have a 'single digit' number of Nvidia's RTX 5090 cards a week before launch
- 'Black smoke filled the room': Reddit user says their Gigabyte mouse spontaneously combusted 'with large flames' and now the manufacturer is taking a look
- Pokémon TCG Prismatic Evolution scalpers are starting to hurt, thanks to the promise of reprints despite the current lack of supply
- Sequence Teams Up With SKALE Labs To Accelerate Web3 Gaming And Announce Zoppel Launch
- Viction Announces Spring Edition Of ‘Game Awards’ With Applications Open Until January 10
- The Sandbox Launches ‘Voxel Games’ Creator Partnership Program For Developers And Studios
- Blockchain Integration adds Massive Value to AAA Gaming Experiences, claims Shrapnel’s Mark Yeend
- Cornucopias Expands to Base Ethereum L2 to Enhance Web3 Gaming Experience
- Sky Mavis Teams Up With GMonsters to Launch ‘Fight League’ Web3 Games on Ronin
- Mon Studios Raises $1.35M in Funding to Boost MMORPG Spellborne’s Development
- Game-Changer: Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Gaming Landscape
- Merit Circle DAO Collaborates with Immutable for Web3 Gaming Experiences on Beam
- MetaBlox is Leveraging Roblox to Transform GameFi with $MBX Token
- Celeste Devs Cancel Next Game After Falling Out And Difficult Development
- How To Find New Outfits For Momo, Infinity Nikki's Adorable Cat-Like Buddy
- Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Solve The ‘A Date To Remember’ Puzzle
- The Best (And Cheapest) Way To Get Into Disney Lorcana
- Family Guy Creator Explains One Of Its Most Random Jokes
- Steam's First Big Sale Of 2025 Is Live, Here Are The Best Deals
- Future Sonic Movies Could Leave Human Characters Behind And Fans Are Conflicted
- Ryan Gosling Reportedly In Talks To Lead New Star Wars Movie
- This Guy Is Spending Way Too Much On Pokémon TCG Pocket
- Modders, Please Remove The Worst Part Of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth From The Game
- Robert Eggers is going from Nosferatu to werewolf thriller Werwulf and maybe this is the Dark Universe we deserved
- Watch the Xbox Developer Direct showcase for January 2025 here
- Hyper Light Breaker really shows how much the games industry has changed in a decade
- The bodies are hitting the floor in Yellowjackets season 3's latest trailer, but I'm not sure if the five second rule counts with cannibalism
- The Witcher 4's all about Ciri and even Geralt's fully aboard her hype train, but he won't fully explain why he's so excited, because he's pro-reading
- Assetto Corsa EVO feels like a worthy heir to one of Steam’s racing titans so far, but it’s still got a lot of laps to go to get there
- Dexter sequel series Resurrection looks like it's out to Kill Bill, as it adds Uma Therman to the cast
- Let's rock: the Guilty Gear Strive anime finally has a release date, and yes, you will be able to watch it on Crunchyroll
- Netflix just hit a new record of 300 million subscribers, so isn't it just lovely that it's raising its prices for the umpteenth time?
- Bloodborne PC emulation is now good enough that even everyone's favourite tech nerds think it "demonstrates the direction we'd want an official remaster to move in"