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- Tech Week 2024, 도쿄에 다녀왔습니다.
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- FIDO2 클라이언트 SDK 오픈소스 소개
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- LY의 QA 엔지니어가 생성형 AI를 이용해 품질 활동의 생산성을 높이는 방법
- Informer를 사용해 쿠버네티스 중계 API 서버의 성능 개선하기
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- 2024년을 뒤흔든 생성 AI – Sora, Kling, Dream Machine, Gen-3 Alpha
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- 디퓨전 말고 CFM 들어봤니?
- Disco Elysium writer launches third splinter dev, Summer Eternal
- The Steam Deck is finally hitting Australia in November
- Tomb Raider franchise tops 100 million copies sold
- Metaphor: ReFantazio sells 1 million copies in less than a day
- Xbox games will be available on Android next month
- Devil's Terminal: How we made one mystery have many answers
- Patch Notes #5: Long-dead dev gossip hub 'Fat Babies' shows the industry's progress, and where it still lags
- Ex-Disco Elysium devs announce two rival studios
- NaturalMotion reviewing UK and US teams ahead of possible layoffs
- GTA Online film Grand Theft Hamlet hits US theaters next year
- Get our first-ever guide about animation in Unity
- Games Made with Unity: May 2024 in review
- Meet the 2024 Unity for Humanity Grant winners
- Charting the Upswing: The Mobile Ad Ecosystem Starts Gaining Momentum
- Odin Inspector and Validator are now free with the Unity Student Plan
- How Fika Productions set sail with their peer-to-peer multiplayer hit Ship of Fools
- GDC 2024: Trends, the Unity 6 roadmap, multiplayer, AI, and more
- 10 tips for succeeding at GDC
- Made with Unity: January/February 2024 highlights
- Building the first NFL-licensed VR football franchise with Unity
- What’s on your bookshelf: Remedy Entertainment, Bioshock 2, and Gone Home’s Johnnemann Nordhagen
- There's a future where you and this bucket that fits over your head decide what a game meant to say, not the useless idiots that made it
- The Sunday Papers
- Europa is out now, offering a Ghibli-inspired world in which to fly and solve puzzles
- Thronefall's tiny tower defence townbuilding has reached version 1.0
- What are we all playing this weekend?
- Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered will arrive in February 2025, perhaps make Angel Of Darkness playable at last
- Steam will now warn customers at checkout that they're only buying a digital license to a game
- Football Manager 2025 has been delayed until March 2025, to avoid "compromising our usual standards"
- Keep Driving is a sumptuous and sleepy RPG roadtrip, inspired by Jalopy and FTL
- Turning Diablo Inspiration into Detailed Red Sorceress Model
- Breakdown: Capturing Ocean In A Box With Houdini & Karma
- 80 Level 3D Metasites Digest: Top 3D Cyberpunk Metasites
- Сustomizable Substance 3D Designer PCB Board Material
- This Lattice Deform Blender Tool Creates Wiggly Animations
- Check Out This Indie Game in Which You Play As Building
- Check Out Heightmap Displacement Of This Council House Material
- CannonHead VS SawHand Barrel: Mechanics for Cartoon-Style Game
- Take a look at This Combative Owl Character Created in UE5
- Realistic Radio Unit 3D Model Created With Plasticity
- How to Build a CSS Component Library and Improve Your Web Development Skills
- Large Language Models for Developers and Businesses
- Open Source Superstar and Roadmap.sh Founder Kamran Ahmed [Podcast #145]
- How to Use Git Stash to Efficiently Manage Your Code
- The React Interview Prep Handbook – Essential Topics and Code Examples
- Learn Tailwind CSS by Building a Responsive Product Card
- Python’s zip() Function Explained with Simple Examples
- Make a one-time $100 donation to freeCodeCamp.org
- Make a one-time $20 donation to freeCodeCamp.org
- Make a one-time $65 donation to freeCodeCamp.org
- Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, October 13
- 420 Blaze It 2 may be a joke, but there's a solid shooter buried beneath the memes
- Death of a Partisan is one survival game where I didn't starve to death, thank goodness
- Starship Troopers: Extermination brings its chaotic 16-person bug fights to a 1.0 release
- The developers of the final 2D Fallout game had no idea their publisher was gasping for air: 'We weren't told anything about Interplay's financial problems'
- Lead Skyrim designer argues that Bethesda's primeval Creation Engine is 'perfectly tuned' to the studio's needs, so an Unreal switcheroo probably isn't in the cards
- 14 years after it first released, the original Red Dead Redemption's long-absent PC port costs a 'commercially accurate' $50
- Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, October 12
- Metaphor: ReFantazio tips: 10 things I wish I knew before starting this 100-hour RPG
- Elon Musk shows off bartending robots at a recent Tesla event, but some attendees say the automatons were being controlled by people
- The Sandbox Launches ‘Voxel Games’ Creator Partnership Program For Developers And Studios
- Blockchain Integration adds Massive Value to AAA Gaming Experiences, claims Shrapnel’s Mark Yeend
- Cornucopias Expands to Base Ethereum L2 to Enhance Web3 Gaming Experience
- Sky Mavis Teams Up With GMonsters to Launch ‘Fight League’ Web3 Games on Ronin
- Mon Studios Raises $1.35M in Funding to Boost MMORPG Spellborne’s Development
- Game-Changer: Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Gaming Landscape
- Merit Circle DAO Collaborates with Immutable for Web3 Gaming Experiences on Beam
- MetaBlox is Leveraging Roblox to Transform GameFi with $MBX Token
- Star Atlas Continues Innovation: Debuts Inaugural Web3 Economy Simulation Game Despite Team Downsizing
- A Developer Used ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter to Create a Game in 5 Minutes
- Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred Is An Expansion Worth Committing To
- This Might Be The Biggest Hack In Pokémon History
- Start Metaphor: ReFantazio Strong, Master Diablo IV's New Vessel Of Hatred Expansion, And More Helpful Hints
- Celebrating Metaphor: ReFantazio's Greatness, Criticizing Its Faults, And More Of The Week's Top Takes
- Halo Moves To Unreal, Nintendo Announces...An Alarm Clock, And More Of The Week's Top Stories
- Police Department Woefully Misunderstands Terminator Movies By Using Theme Music To Introduce New Cybertruck
- Why Are People Still Bidding On Back To The Future DeLorean Replicas In 2024?
- Metaphor: ReFantazio’s Political Style And Substance Has Us Hooked
- Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: Five Epic And Exciting Games We’re Getting Lost In
- Xbox Game Pass Will Soon Get A Feature It First Announced Years Ago
- Sorry, One Piece fans, the anime is going on a break, but luckily there'll be something to keep you going in the meantime
- Turns out that Discord exists because the chat service's co-creator wanted somewhere he could chat about Final Fantasy 11
- A Baldur's Gate 3 fan spent a five-figure sum on an Astarion you-know-what doll, and all Larian has to say is "can I expense this?"
- The not very all-ages appropriate Witcher is getting an all-ages comic for the little Witcher in your life
- Forget Persona, Metaphor: ReFantazio is Atlus' fastest-selling game of all time, as well as its most-played game of the year
- I hope the Ranma 1/2 remake encourages people to go back and watch the anime classics, including myself
- Mandragora mixes Metroidvania and Soulslike design with a killer 2.5D aesthetic to great effect
- Whoopsie, the creator of RuneScape's newest MMO catches a delay of a single day, all because of "some sort of election thingy on the 5th"
- If you're desperate for an Astro Bot sequel, the fact that it's done better than most 3D platformers bar Mario in the past decade in Europe should give you some hope
- Almost 10 years after it first aired, My Hero Academia will be getting its final season in 2025